(334) 844-3299
REACH Dictionary

“It is comprised of civilian health care professionals employed by the U.S. Government. Their purpose is to promote, sustain and enhance the health of our armed forces, veterans, and their families. The DHA trains, develops and equips a medical force that supports full spectrum operations, so they are able to deliver leading edge health to military members and their families to optimize outcomes.”

Citation: Defense Health Agency. (n.d.). About Us. https://civilianmedicaljobs.com/about-us/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA9OiPBhCOARIsAI0y71DYNZXS_T7U_xUGxdBR2_Wne8yPXxHjMmnTRqx80hnT7sKaZE27CvMaAntHEALw_wcB

Category: Military

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